Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Alyssa!!

Alyssa got a huge surprise for her birthday today - a horse!! Barbie (the horse) is so sweet and absolutely perfect for our sweet Alyssa.

Yummy green grass!!

Lauren loved the goats and cow.
Happy Birthday Alyssa - we love you and are so excited that we could share this moment with you.

Happy Birthday Logan - The Big 5 !!!

Logan had his his Birthday party at The Little Gym and it was a great success. Most of his classmates came and all 5 of his cousins were there.

I just can't believe that I have a 5 year old - Logan is such a funny, sweet and smart boy and makes everyone he meets smile and want to get to know him. I am so proud of you Logan and we love you so much!!

Leading the choo choo train to the cake!

Lauren had a ball and thought she was as big as the rest of them.

Happy Birthday Logan.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Take me out to the ball game!!

Logan absolutely loves T-ball. Every morning, without fail, when his eyes open, he wants to know if he has a game that day. He is serious business on that baseball field - it is so fun to see.
We went to see Andrew play baseball - all of his fans were at the fence!!

Andrew played a great game - Go Astros

Just horsing around.

We went to see Glowie and her friends at Wendy and Kyle's house. The kids had a ball. We missed you Wendy - Wendy was in the hospital while we were there and we are so glad that she is home and getting better. We love you girl! Here's Howdy - Logan was a little scared to put his whole body by the fence.
Here is Glowie getting brushed - she is such a good girl.
The kids loved the horse ride with daddy. Lauren reminded me of Logan when he was her age. Wow how time flies. He is so big now.
Lauren had no fear of these big animals and walked out to see them!