Monday, September 15, 2008

Lauren~~18 months old!!

Busy, busy, busy. It has weeks since I have posted here. Lots of new and exciting things to tell you all about! Lauren is 18 months old and I can't believe how much she has grown. She started Mother's Day Out and loved it the first week, the second week was a little harder and hopefully this week she will do better!

We have been going to The Little Gym alot lately for Birthday parties and Lauren loves to play on all of the equiptment. Her favorite thing to do is hang from the bar. And of course, catching bubbles!!

This was the night of Lauren's meet the teacher.

This was her first big day - This is Ms. Erin. Lauren got right down and went to her great. There were no tears shed the first day!
She is pretty much potty trained and will tell you now when she has to go! She talks more and more everyday and is very smart, she also loves shoes! She loves to watch Barney on her "napmat" and still misses Logan everyday while he is at school.
She has blessed our family and makes us smile all day long.

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