Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First day of Kindergarten.

Tears filled my eyes as we rounded the corner and saw all the kids with their parents, the school buses, the flag, the new shoes and backpacks. I quickly had to hide those tears and say goodbye to my sweet Logan. He was very brave and sweet. He looked so little and so big all at the same time. I can't believe this day has finally come and what a great day it was.

So let's skip back a few days. Last week was meet the teacher. Logans teachers name is Mrs. Tolbert and she seems very sweet. This was the first meeting. Only in Texas would the principal ride up on a longhorn!
Here's Logan on the first day ready to go.
We are so fortunate to be walking distance to the new school.

Here's Logan sitting at his desk, he was all smiles!!

Lauren wasn't too sure about Logan being gone and kept asking me all day - Bubba? I'd say, he's at school and she'd simply say Oh! She was so excited to pick him up and they hugged and kissed like they had been apart for several days!

What a great day - Logan came home singing new songs and telling us all about his day, new friends, lunchtime and recess!! Logan is quite excited to go back and already has his outfits picked out for the next 2 days!!!!

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